At six years old, my mind was filled with thoughts that challenged my being – thus began my writing journey.
You can imagine how mortified I felt when my parents found my writings in my little black journal. They read every detail of my heart…and unfortunately, disciplined me for the things that were on my heart. After that, I neglected my journal for years because I was afraid someone other than my parents would find my journal and know the depths of my heart. However, as time went on, I moved pass the incident. The writings in my journals morphed into poems, then into song lyrics, and now this.
Writing was always easy for me because it was really the only way I was able to express and comprehend my own feelings.
Over the years, I’ve archived my journals into a large file box so if I ever wanted to, I could relive the moments that made me the person I am today. Twenty years later and here I am. Still writing away my thoughts, but instead…on a digital journal (blog). Rather than being mortified of people discovering my heart on paper, I am now at peace with sharing all the intricate things God has placed on my heart. Why? Because I believe that though our relationship with God may be personal…it is not meant to be private.
It isn’t always easy — sometimes I have blogs sitting in my “draft” folder for months because my heart isn’t ready to be exposed to the world. But I know, in my suffering; in my joy; in my pursuit towards Christ, they are meant to be voiced to testify the goodness of God in my life.
Preaching To Myself - I Am Cain
I am not saying it’s sinful to buy a dress or take a vacation here and there. But what I am saying is that my conviction leads me to understand that when I withhold tithe to God because of my fleshly desire to self-indulge in my wants, I cheat him out of what he deserves. I like to think that I am Able, but it turns out I play the role of being Cain.
The Blissful Years
In observing my own thoughts, I was made aware that God may refine us in suffering, but he also uses our blessings as a point of sanctification as well. My suffering gave me humility so that in my blessings I would be tested to see if I'd still humble myself before the Lord. I have found that these blissful years have refined me just as much as those past years of suffering.
30 Years Young
Thirty met me with more grace than I could imagine. I am quite frankly living a life full of abundance and seeing more clearly now how God consistently provides for me in my life. As I was reflecting on the general “lesson” that God’s taught me over the last 3 decades of life, I found that time and time again I was met with this Truth: God provides sufficiently. This is the one primary Truths that I hold on to when hope is dim, struggles are loud and fear is present.
Contemplations of Leaving the Hmong Church
I have come to the fork in the road where I want a love so deep for God that it doesn’t matter how broken the church is, how “lowly” the work is, nor how many people show up. All that matters is my worship between me and God–nothing else matters. All I see is him in the midst of my servitude–he is all that matters.
Theology Series 5: Eternal Punishment - Hell
God is not slow in his promises to his children. His Kingdom is coming, we can be sure of it. But his slowness is his long suffering embedded in the love he has for his creation; he is long suffering toward all because he does not desire anyone to perish but for all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).
A Believer’s Union with Christ
Our unity in Christ has been justified through the blood of the Lamb of God, we are one through the Holy Spirit and without him we can have no spiritual vitals ushering us to pursue communion God. Truly, I am nothing apart from my Yeshua.