Hello, I’m
Khaaj Siab
I grew up in a Christian home with faithful parents who were fervent in their prayers, consistent in conducting family Bible studies, and supportive of my siblings and I in our endeavors.
Though I grew up in such a love-filled home, I sought the world and tasted what Satan had to offer. The taste was always sweet at first, but it never failed to turn sour. Praise God — through the Gospel message, I was saved from the Kingdom of Darkness and adopted into the Kingdom of Light. Every day I taste the sweetness of God’s everlasting love, wherein He leads me to a khaaj siab living in all the places He’s called me for to proclaim the Gospel. Join me to discover the riches of God’s wonderful Truth and how we can discover a peaceful living by giving it all to Christ.
May the heavenly blessings we receive empower us to live peacefully together to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8). All the glory to God, forever and ever!