
At six years old, my mind was filled with thoughts that challenged my being – thus began my writing journey.

You can imagine how mortified I felt when my parents found my writings in my little black journal. They read every detail of my heart…and unfortunately, disciplined me for the things that were on my heart. After that, I neglected my journal for years because I was afraid someone other than my parents would find my journal and know the depths of my heart. However, as time went on, I moved pass the incident. The writings in my journals morphed into poems, then into song lyrics, and now this.

Writing was always easy for me because it was really the only way I was able to express and comprehend my own feelings.

Over the years, I’ve archived my journals into a large file box so if I ever wanted to, I could relive the moments that made me the person I am today. Twenty years later and here I am. Still writing away my thoughts, but instead…on a digital journal (blog). Rather than being mortified of people discovering my heart on paper, I am now at peace with sharing all the intricate things God has placed on my heart. Why? Because I believe that though our relationship with God may be personal…it is not meant to be private.

It isn’t always easy — sometimes I have blogs sitting in my “draft” folder for months because my heart isn’t ready to be exposed to the world. But I know, in my suffering; in my joy; in my pursuit towards Christ, they are meant to be voiced to testify the goodness of God in my life.

Crystal Yang Crystal Yang

Doctrine of Demons: Manifesting

The uprising sensation of manifesting actually displays a perfect picture of how truly fallen we are and how far removed we are from God. Let it be known that the only thing we are capable of manifesting apart from God is sin (Romans 3).

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Crystal Yang Crystal Yang

I Don’t Want To Be A Boss Mom

At the ripe age of 29, I never thought I’d be here. But where is here…what is here? Here is being a “boss mom”. Well, at least that’s what my sister calls me. In her simple interpretation, a boss mom is a woman who works tenaciously in her job/career while balancing ambitious goals and caring for her family. But honestly, I don’t want to be a boss mom. I just want to be a “mom”.

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Crystal Yang Crystal Yang

Theology Series 4: The Millennium

We’ve all seen movies of what it may look like in the Last Days of mankind. Rapture, violence, evil, natural disasters, zombies, etc. But what does Scripture really say about the Last Days? Well, I can tell you that it is far more frightening than what we’ve seen on the television screen.

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Crystal Yang Crystal Yang

Theology Series 3: Atonement

For Jesus to die for a particular means that we are as much alone with him as if we were the only creation he’s ever created. Truly, we are his beloved.

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Crystal Yang Crystal Yang

Theology Series 2: Sin

To us Christians, how dreadful is our sin when we’ve finally come to know the Holy of holies–God. As Christ lives in us, we can almost have a micro sense of what it was like for Jesus to bear our sins in his body on the cross at calvary.

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Crystal Yang Crystal Yang

Theology Series 1: Jesus

If the reader reads the New Testament first, then returns to the Old Testament to study it, they will find that the shadow of Christ is written all over the Old Testament and that the whole Bible is the redeeming of God’s people through one person—that is Christ.

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