At six years old, my mind was filled with thoughts that challenged my being – thus began my writing journey.
You can imagine how mortified I felt when my parents found my writings in my little black journal. They read every detail of my heart…and unfortunately, disciplined me for the things that were on my heart. After that, I neglected my journal for years because I was afraid someone other than my parents would find my journal and know the depths of my heart. However, as time went on, I moved pass the incident. The writings in my journals morphed into poems, then into song lyrics, and now this.
Writing was always easy for me because it was really the only way I was able to express and comprehend my own feelings.
Over the years, I’ve archived my journals into a large file box so if I ever wanted to, I could relive the moments that made me the person I am today. Twenty years later and here I am. Still writing away my thoughts, but instead…on a digital journal (blog). Rather than being mortified of people discovering my heart on paper, I am now at peace with sharing all the intricate things God has placed on my heart. Why? Because I believe that though our relationship with God may be personal…it is not meant to be private.
It isn’t always easy — sometimes I have blogs sitting in my “draft” folder for months because my heart isn’t ready to be exposed to the world. But I know, in my suffering; in my joy; in my pursuit towards Christ, they are meant to be voiced to testify the goodness of God in my life.
Seasons of Spiritual Warfare
As I reminisce about the battles I fought over the past 12 years, I see how God sanctified me in the process. He has produced faith that's been so rewarding. Now that I've experienced giving birth, I see why the analogies of birth pains are used throughout Scripture. Every time I go through spiritual warfare, it is spiritually agonizing and painful.
To My Prospective Mothers: The Pains I Wasn't Prepared For
To say that it was uncomfortable to live in my own body actually minimizes the reality of what I (and all mothers) have experienced during postpartum. One thing that my sister and I kept saying as we walked the same season together was, “The glamours of postpartum. Why did no one tell us the specifics of how much this would hurt.”
A Marriage Defiled
God gave Himself to Israel in a holy marriage when He chose them to be His in the covenant He made with Abraham. God pledged Himself to Israel; He promised to guide, protect, and fulfill Israel with all that He had. In return, Israel promised to love, obey and honor Him. However, it wasn’t long into the holy marriage that the bride became unsatisfied with God and began to seek other lovers.
Be Still Type 8
After many years of wrestling with my own flesh to die to myself, I have learned that being still and waiting on God for His plan is best. He works miracles and intervenes faithfully based on His time! I know this is something that Christians should already know and take to heart, but for some of us (Type 8s)…it’s a little harder to grasp.
God’s Redemption Plan Echoed
My hope is that Christians will begin to see a symbolic prophecy of Christ throughout the Old Testament, often referred to as typology or prophecy in a type—almost every major person in the OT is a symbol or type of Christ. We will delve into an example that we may all know too well…Joseph.
One Flesh: A Letter to My Engaged Friends
Hollywood would have us believe that a lasting marriage is endless sex. But the truth is, the key to a lasting and fulfilled marriage is not endless sex but believing hearts. It is with a believing heart in God that enables the one flesh unity between husband and wife to radiate His Edenic purpose.