The Church

In the past few years, I have learned two things about the Church. One, the Church is imperfect; and, two, the Church will be restored. 

With social media and the power of the internet, word gets around fast when famous pastors make rude remarks, or denominations debate ungraciously with one another, or especially how one doctrine is more biblical than the latter. Perhaps you may have even read about faithful pastors who became disarranged because of whom they’ve associated themselves with; or even heard the slander that Christian brothers and sisters partake in as the Church. 

I am weary and disheartened, for my heart has been in a long season of zeal for the American Church. How can it be that the very institution God created for His glory, become a place that reflects the opposite? The Church’s existence is to glorify God through worship, edification, and evangelism–being fixed on the cross. Instead, it seems the Church has moved its eyes to be fixed on denominational bylaws, politics, theological differences, and association. How can I be a part of a church that does not want to be unified together? If the Body of Christ is to move in unity, why is there disharmony?

I’m asking myself these questions trying to understand, how are we to be the Body of Christ if all of the body pieces have been severed by animosity? It is in these moments that we take a step back to realign ourselves with the cross where Christ Jesus shed His blood. It’s not about us, the Church was never about us. It’s always and only been about how God will glorify an imperfect church to be the perfect Bride of Christ one day. The church was established by God for the purpose of God, for the glory of God. It is until we know this, that we are willing to lay down our pride for the cause of Christ. Only when we, as believers, fix our eyes solely on Christ will we be able to carry out the ministries that God has called us to: worship, edify, and evangelize.

Imagine the absolute joy we can experience if we fixed our imperfect eyes on the perfect Jesus. It is only Him who can remove the veil from our eyes. It is only Him who will give us the ability to carry out His ministries faithfully. 

Many times, in one day alone, I think to myself, “O’ how I cannot wait until the return of my sweet Jesus to glorify His Bride”. I imagine the wonder and majesty of it all, in hopes that soon, the Church will be restored to glory. I wait, and until that day comes…I will serve the Church as faithfully as the Spirit guides me to. Though imperfect now, the Church will be restored for all of eternity.



Empty Womb